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Marybella aka Mary
Name: Anna Sweetbell
Nicknames: Roseana, Marybella, Lily
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: hasn't thought about it
Age: 19
Race: shapshifter
Eye Color: light pink
Hair Color: light blonde almost white
Height: 5foot 6
Weight: 145
Markings: buterfly wings tattooed on her back
Apparel: she wears almosy anything but mostly whats in the pictures (lily wears a punk type outfit or dress)
Personality: her personality depends on who she is transfromed as at the time. but the orginal anna is sweet kind and caring.
Habits: she can't lie without looking off somewhere
Likes: butterflies, music, bunnys, and blue roses
Special Ability: when her eyes start to glow then she can change into anyone of her other personailty
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this is what her eyes look like when they glow
Weapon: depends on who she is
Parents/Guardians: *silent*
Siblings: none
Hometown: castle near the butterfly cages
Birthday: May 26
History: Anna was raised by the queen and king after her parents were murdered when she was just a baby. she keeps up many different personailties because she runs from her fears and worries. she feels like a coward at time but she does have fun being someone different.