- Spoiler:
Name: ???
Nicknames: Bloodedge
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Doesn’t care
Age: ???
Race: Human. Time traveler
Eye Color: Left eye-Green. Lost his right eye
Hair Color: Sliver
Height: 6’2”
Weight: ???
Markings: none
Apparel: (Like in picture)
Personality: Bloodedge still has his same personality he had when he was younger.
Habits: Curses people out when he’s mad
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: People trying to see that he has no right eye
Special Ability: He still has the same special ability despite his age
Weapon: Large sword
Parents/Guardians: ‘The Sister’
Siblings: none
History: When Ragna was in his early 30s he was attacked by a creature that could travel through space and time known as the Black Beast. This beast took Ragna to the late part of the war. Ragna had gained the title Bloodedge, replacing his older ‘Grim Reaper’ title. Because Ragna wasn’t able to fight the Black Beast during this time of the war, the Black Beast kept terrorizing other realms and different times. This went on until, during the very last few months of the war, the Black Beast came back in time. When Ragna, who had sense left his name and replaced it with ‘Bloodedge’.
Once Bloodedge finally found the Black Beast he fought it and killed it along with five others who were brave enough to fight it. Bloodedge became one of the five heroes. However, the Black Beast had one last trick up his sleeve. The Black Beast had brought the Six Heroes as far into the future as he could, which was only a few thousand years. However they were all scattered through different times. Bloodedge was brought to just a month before Ragna and the Black Beast first ever met