- Spoiler:
Name: Zero
Nicknames: The original
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: ???
Age: ???
Race: Warrior Generation Reploid (First Reploids ever built to have weapons)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Long blonde
Height: 6’2”
Weight: ???
Markings: Scar across the bridge of his nose.
Apparel: (Like in picture)
Personality: This zero has a more serious personality; he never seems to crack a smile. He has much more experience as a warrior as well.
Habits: Put’s people at sword point if he doesn’t like them
Likes: Tea
Dislikes: coffee
Special Ability: Able to teleport over distances of 100 miles in diameter
Weapon: Rune sword
Parents/Guardians: none
Siblings: none
Hometown: ???
Birthday: ???
History: Zero’s original was created in the mists of the war. The ZERO project is what created the first ever Reploid to handle a weapon as a true warrior would. After the war however, the original Zero’s body was weak and needed a new form. However, because he was created during the war he didn’t have the technology to actually change into a new form. The original Zero tired and failed to go into a new body several times, often ending the destruction of the new bodies and the wear and tear of his current body.