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What he looks like on a full moon day and night
Name: Waltt Night
Nicknames: none
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: bi
Age: 18
Race: Full furry
Eye Color: left side yellow right side teal (both yellow in his human form)
Hair Color:blonde (blue in his human form)
Height: 5 foot 8
Weight: 120
Markings: pericings see pics
Apparel: see pics
Personality: He his very fun loving. He normally stays calm and tries to avoid conflict.
Special Ability: he can change into a human form on the day and night of the full moon, he can also hack anything and swim around the networking like a virus
Weapon: he hands and feet
Parents/Guardians: father
Siblings: none that he knows of
Hometown: small city outside a big city
Birthday: 9/25
History: Waltt learned everything from his father about technology. He often plays shows on the internet and is quite famous in the underground. He isn't well known but he loves helping people with things. However, for some reason he changes into a human form on the day of the full moon. He never understood why it happened, it started happening after his father passed away so he couldn't ask his father.